engl. symmetry – Symmetrie, Ebenmaß Nachdem ich nun einige Zeit unmotiviert in der Stadtim Dorf unterwegs war, auf der Suche nach Fachwerkgiebeln, Brunnenornamenten und schönen Hauseingängen und schließlich einigermaßen frustriert wieder zu Hause ankam, musste ich feststellen dass sich die schönsten Symmetrien doch schon die ganze Zeit vor meiner Nase befanden.
Everything is better with a frame around
There’s a cat in my flat. A folded origami cat. A tesselated origami cat. This cat.
Once more an origami post
I found two picture from my early origami days when I started out with a mass production of simple bird and butterfly patterns.
Origami …
… is not good for me. Sadly not in the oh-my-god-I’m-so-obsessed-I-hardly-do-anything-other-than kind of way. Sometimes I have trouble with my right hand. Some kind of chronic sinew irritation … I’ve long hesitated but in the end I had to admit: folding makes it worse. So that’s it folks. At least for the near future I […]
Birds in Origami
During the last few month I’ve been sporadically folding origami figures. Beeing a bird person my motives were mostly of the feathery kind. Both, the paper I was using, and my folding skills were not very good, so I’ve often reached my limits halfway during the instructions in the books. Frustration: check! Also I’ve tried […]
Arabesque Flourish
A couple of weeks ago we finally went to the ‚Casa della Lindir‘ to fetch the origami picture I told you about. It really is gorgeous! To think that it’s just one piece of paper … and these great columnlike, arabesquish … structures, reminding me above all of greek architecture … *sigh* It’s hanging on […]
My little pretty friend, soon you’re going to fly away. I wish you good luck on your journey.
I’m not done yet
I’ve folded a lot more origami birds over the past days. And just as I got bored by the easy patterns the web presented me with a bundle of new patterns which are to complicated for my present state of mind. So I started modifying the familiar ones. And some of my results look actually […]
I’m recently into Origami
Sometimes your just can’t resist. I have a friend who is deeply into Origami. He made me this tesselation – just for fun. I’m not a very accurate person, Origami was always some sort of my Nemesis for that. But twoday I sat down used up all my wrapping paper and folded some birds. I […]