About two weeks ago I visited ‚Zavelstein‚ which is, among other things, famous for it’s Crocus fields. It’s a health resort at the border of the ‚Swabian Black Forest‘, the kind of place you visit when you’re over a certain age, like the quiet, nature and good cake. They even have a mineral spring and […]
When painting a flowerbed, do it one step at a time
How time flies! When I told you about my February paintings I mentioned also painting the wall again and promised to talk a bit more about it. That was about three weeks ago, and so far I’ve told you nothing. This however, now changes. Last summer I’ve painted Abnora and the purple coneflower and told […]
Spring Is Coming
Spring is not only coming, it’s already here and it’s screaming in the in the front yards (and in the back yards maybe too) of our villages and suburbs.
What to call a cat pendant made of clay? – Catlem?
A couple of years ago I found at an arts and crafts fair a potter which made, among other things, cat-shaped clay pendants. I instantly fell in love with one of it, bought it, and wore it quite often. Sadly it broke some time ago at the tail. Since then I’ve been searching for a […]
There all the leaves have gone
Last year I’ve told you about me taking part in a Spanish art contest, sending drawings to Spain and actually winning one of the main prices. Now, all my stuff has finally arrived safely back home. (Actually it arrived a few weeks ago, but I’ve be to busy to tell you about) As you may […]
Paint my World – February
Again a month has passed, and again I’m left with a pile of paper and a two questions: ‚What did you do? And do you like it?‘ And I’m so bold as to say: I painted. And yes, I like some of it. Like it a lot.