So whats that Anderswelt-thingy anyway?

Dies ist eine überarbeitete Version eines Artikels vom 4. Feb. 2012, einem der ersten Artikel auf diesem Blog:

It all started back in 2006 at the anual Thing of the German Tolkien Society, which took place at the count’s castle at Diez.  The castle is a really, really  beautiful building where there are lots and lots of tiny, litle drawings of fairytale creatures hidden all over the place. I spend hours and hours wandering from room to room searching for all those little treasures.

Here are a few pictures:




Three years later I decided that I wanted the same for my castle flat and so the project ‚Anderswelt‘ was born and it was – as we all know – a huge success. Today I’ve got a new flat, I’ve killed (almost) all of the old pictures, and I’m ready to start anew. (that was back in 2012, right at the beginning of Anderswelt 2.0)
Sadly my flat isnt ready yet, so you will have to wait a few weeks before there are any NEW roommates – but there are a lot of OLD ones I will show you soon.

Today too the new flat is still work in progress – and there is also a lot to remember. Bear with me!

So whats that Anderswelt-thingy anyway?
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