I’m seriously thinking about changing the language in which I write this blog.
This chestnut thing is getting out of hand
Something strange happened to me yesterday. I was out there, looking for chestnuts, like I usually do. I just love to quietly stroll beneath the old trees, dry leaves rustling, the warm air smelling of fall, and me looking for those little, shiny, auburn marbles. Some kind of autumnal imperative, something that just needs to […]
Paint my World – September
I woke up this morning, surprised to find that we’re on the brink of October. For me the world feels like October for at least three weeks now. Jay! I like this time of the year. I really do. Chestnuts and pumpkins, the last flowers, cobwebs and the light, oh the light so golden! I […]
When painting a flowerbed, do it one step at a time pt.2
Another part of my hallway flowerbed is finished. Here it comes: