Travel log in need of a title

Believe it or not, vacation is arriving.
And before I’m going to announce a few quiet weeks away, I want to tell you about something that I will take away with me.
That I always take a away with me when going vacating.
Now with a shiny new look.
My travel log.

You need to have a title

I started packing a few days ago when I found my travel log, begun flipping through, remembering the past and noticing – as always – the blank and somewhat dull cover, which is a plain dark blue, the type sketchbooks come in. Which is no wonder given that it is, in its origin, a sketchbook.
„I need to do something about this“, I thought – as always.
It needs a title. For years now I’m planing to someday find and apply a fitting title for the book, something like:

End of Hard Surface – Ende der Ausbaustrecke
If you take a trip – Wenn einer eine Reise tut

Well, this day has now come – and gone, leaving in it’s wake a shiny, happy, new logbook.

Off we go

After the deciding idea about said title, it went very quickly:
I created a vector graphic of what I wanted, printed it, and then, luckily discovered that I still had some airbrush equipment left. Masking film and a scalpel, still sharp.

Now I had just to sit down and cut out the letters.
It’s at times like this that I’m really glad that I can be patient and careful as need be – if I really, really want to.
I’m also glad about the magnifying reading glasses I used to wear, which now are a big help with the fiddly parts.

The next step was to bring the remaining film onto the book – without any folds and gaps and with all the letters in their supposed position. Big on patience again.

White wall paint, a sponge – take a deep breath and get it over with.
You’re supposed to let it dry now – before removing the masking film.
Well …

travel log
it’s done

… I couldn’t resist.

travel log
travel log

Still, it looks fine.
Not as accurate and store bought as I would like it to bee, but still very great.
Very, very great.
Fitting title for a fitting book.

The story of which I tell you next time.

Travel log in need of a title

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