Useless & Priceless – My Travellog
Dörte, over at the still quite new blog Minima Muse asked us to tell her about those fairly useless possessions of ours, which we wouldn’t give up for anything in the world. While I was writing my post about the pimping of the travel log on Friday I realized that it was exactly the thing […]
Travel log in need of a title
Believe it or not, vacation is arriving. And before I’m going to announce a few quiet weeks away, I want to tell you about something that I will take away with me. That I always take a away with me when going vacating. Now with a shiny new look. My travel log.
Paint my World – June
Once more a month has passed, and once more I want to show you what I’ve done in the meantime. Please, take a look.
How far away is ‚far far away‘?
When I was a kid they told me that space was unimaginably far away. Trusting person that I am, never tried to. Imagine it. Later they told me that the border to space is not THAT far away but 100km up, and I took it for granted that it still was unimaginably far. When they […]
There is no mistaking, it’s summer!
Did you notice?