or Why Alice Lost Her Balloon There’s a new addition to out ‚parade of the kitchen‘. Need to think of a name for it. ‚Catwalk‘ springs to mind, but I believe there need to be cats present for it to be allowed the name ‚catwalk‘, don’t you think? Nevertheless there are two gentleman with balloons […]
Upcycling: Old Fruit Box to Shiny New Nightstand
I have a neat little orangy lamp on the side of my bed. Not very bright, but nice to look on. It would be useful to have the lamp on one level with the mattress to enjoy the light more. No need to shine on the underside of my bed. There is nothing to see. […]
Paint my World – May
I’ve got your update for may – at last.
Me and my camera
I’m taking pictures now, pictures are cool! You may have noticed the ongoing increase of photo series on this blog. I love taking pictures. Since spring begun this year I’m finding more and more inspiration (and time (and occasion)) to take my – or my boyfriends – camera out for a walk.