Yesterday I spent an hour typing an article about jewelery, and about how it affects our interaction with the world. I rambled on about how I like mine to be simple, DIY, and made from natural resources. I even told you about materials to use and whether or not I liked them …
My dear …
… florist lady, sometimes you amaze me. You know, when I told your colleague about my experiences in felting, I didn’t expect her or you to be interested. And I really did not expect you to actually want to try it yourself.
… ball of fur. Happy kitty, Sleepy kitty, Purr, purr, pur-r-r.
You may think it strange, but against all likelihood, and not for lack of options, there is as of yet no ‚Big Bang Theory‘ related stuff in this flat, and in any flat surrounding it. Nor may there any appear in the next time.
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Felting is one of the things my, sometimes overactive, ecological conscience prevents me from doing. It’s a pity, because I know no better way to swamp a bathroom as an adult with full formal approval and no questions asked afterwards.
Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.
Back in 2009, I did something great. I drew. I drew a lot. I drew every day.
.:. Mightiest and Fairest of all F-Elves .:. Of the availability of the drawings
I’ve finally uploaded some about half of the F-Elven-Paintings to my Artflakes account. So, if you feel the need for it, you can go and get one of them for yourselves. Here is the link for you: There are other paintings too. Have fun.
Revisiting Elderberries pt.5
It took me some time, but I have finally found good light, time and the mood to take some pictures of the finished elderberry shirt. You remember?
How’s it sit? Pretty cunning, don’t you think?
Man walks down the street in that hat, people know he’s not afraid of anything.
Winter to Spring – Day 31
Upon returning home I find myself lucky – there are some flowers left to look at. I like the white ones from the plum. The cherry is still being a bitch and refuses to do anything at all.