Il y a souvent du brouillard comme ça en Bretagne? – Oh no. Seulement quand il ne pleut pas.

I love fog. I really do.

Back home at my parents I could spends hours walking, me and my uncle’s old SLR, watching the trees and landscapes unfold before me and then, again disappearing, feeling like the only person in the world.

Back then you could count the number of really foggy days per year on the fingers of your hands, not really needing them all. Even back in the ‚House of the Freising Sun‘ with, the ‚Isar‘ just around the corner, thick fog was an exceptional weather condition. But here ‚Far Far Away‘ with all this river valleys and uplands and stuff … seeing a patch of blue sky makes you twitch and look twice. It’s just a bit too much. I still love it when the world goes monochrome and fuzzy, but a bit of colour once in a while would be nice too.

Here’s a little reminder of how autumn could be – if he would like to.

What about you?
Do you like this weather?
Do you even have fog where you live?
Or is it sunny and golden at your place?

Il y a souvent du brouillard comme ça en Bretagne? – Oh no. Seulement quand il ne pleut pas.
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