I don’t know about you, but for me the inside of a computer always looks like a strange map of a – very green and eco-friendly – major city.
Odd thing, my head.
But look:
Can you see the northbridge mall? With all the small cars parking on the roof?
And all the channels of the big harbour?
The warehouses?
The roads?
I think this block is some part of the paper industry
I honestly don’t know … maybe a new form of igloo-shaped homes?
The city railway (with the broken power socket central post office blurred in the background)
All that green may be parks …
And here’s the power plant, the heart of the beast.
(Actually it’s a ordinary coin battery powering the BIOS, which, in my case, is empty for about a month now and needs replacing anyway. Good thing I dropped the …
As you may have noticed the patient is nearly healthy again.
The ‚del‘ key isn’t working and the clock is running an hour late.
But apart from that it’s working fine.
Thanks my dear!
Schon, gell?
Ich denke beim Anblick von Computerinnereien auch immer, dass es sehr futuristische Städte sein könnten. 😀
Toll, dass dein Freund den Laptop wieder einigermaßen richten konnte.