Geranium pt. 2

I told you about the red geranium paint I brewed.

After the shell experience there were about 100-150 ml of the stuff still to go.

I put it back in the pot (including the crystals at the bottom) and let it boil (the crysals dissolved rather quickly). Then I added 2 teaspoons of aluminium hydroxide, also known as hydrous clay (Tonerdehydrat). The clay is supposed to absorb the red dye.

Which it did, I think.

Now all of the water has to go.
For four days now the stuff is standing in a water bath. The first day went pretty well, I was at home all the time and could regulate the heat.
Now I’m working again and there are only the evenings to heat the water.

I’m to impatient for this kind of stuff!

Geranium pt. 2
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