Prequel to ‚The Yet To Be Named Bathroom Project‘

Some of you may remember my my last, epic adventure with windowcolor?

Back in bavaria, I decorated my bedroom window.
Sounds boring …
But I didn’t do the usual little stars and flowers , no I didn’t – I did art noveau, and I did the whole window!

The pattern came from a art noveau pattern book and I modified it just a little bit to make it fit the frame. I did it in 8-10 pieces, the whole painting would have been imposible to insert into the window.

When we moved out I it too had to go.



With these pictures in mind, I leave you wondering what I’m planing to do to the bathroom … *muah-ha-ha*

Prequel to ‚The Yet To Be Named Bathroom Project‘

Ein Gedanke zu „Prequel to ‚The Yet To Be Named Bathroom Project‘

  1. Didn’t think of that. Another sad detail … But I’m looking forward to your new window decoration, particularly to the muah-ha-ha part 😉

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